Suitability of Green HRM


Suitability of Green HRM

What is Green HRM?

Green Human Resources Management is, a set of policies, practices and systems that (GHRM) can be defined as the set of policies, practices, and systems that inspire green behaviour of organisations and it employees in order to make environmental friendly, social responsible workplace and overall organisation. (Torugsa), 2016.

In most of the countries, governments have required green policies, and organisations have drawn on these policies to appliance environmentally friendly workplace practices. The accomplishment of these practices is very much reliant on the employees and the level of their green performance. There is a need to govern whether green behaviour can be positively influenced by other variables. One of the suggested persuading variables is green human resource management (HRM). Another variable with the probable inter mediating effect is personal moral norms (PMN). And also, there is a need to inspect the interplay of green HRM, employee green behavior (EGB), and PMN within the context of higher education institutions (HEIs) as they also take responsibility for protecting the environment.

(M.Y.Ysiliza), 2012.


Advantages of Green HRM are, 

Helping companies to reduce costs without losing their aptitude. Companies have huge growth prospects by being green and creating a new friendly environment, which helps in vast operational savings by reducing their carbon footprint.

It helps in reaching higher employee job fulfilment and assurance, which leads to higher output and sustainability.

Create a culture of having anxiety for the well being and health of peers.

Improvement in the retention rate of the employee.

Improved community image.

Promote employee morale.

Improvement in attracting better employees. .

Reduction in the environmental impact of the company.

Improved competitiveness and increased overall performance.

Reduction of utility costs significantly.



Disadvantages of GHRM

While environmentally friendly living is a positive ideal, there are some imaginable disadvantages of going green. They are like follows,

Initial costs.

Inadequate savings.

Increased capital outlays.

Uneven competition.

Marginal impact.

Employee apathy and reluctance.



Global context of green HRM

“Based on this review, it is possible to conclude that by understanding and increasing the scope and depth of green HRM practices, organisations can improve their environmental performance in a more sustainable manner than before. The green HRM practices are more powerful tools in making organisations and their operations green. The green performance, green behaviours, green attitude, and green competencies of human resources can be shaped and reshaped through adaptation of green HRM practices. Hence, we suggest that organisations be required to give more priority to make each function of HRM green.”


n.d. 04 04 2021.

Sri Lankan Journal of Human Resource Management (2015).

M.Y.Ysiliza. "Green HRM." Economics and Social Development, (2012).

Torugsa, O’Donohue &. "" 2016. 04 04 2021. n.d. 04 04 2021.




  1. Author has well explained about the Green HRM using an impressive video clip. GHRM is very critical in helping organizations to achieve environmental sustainability. According to a study done by A Ramasamy, I Inore & R Sauna in 2017, they identified some energy issues and environmental issues in implementing of the GHRM, while large number of organizations in the developing countries continue to embrace the concept of GHRM. To add more value to the article author would have mentioned about the local practice in green HRM, such as “people’s Green Pulse” environment policy/Green branches/Carbon foot print/People’s eco-park project in People’s Bank. Interesting and knowledgeable article to read.

  2. Green HRM is a kind of environment friendly HR initiatives resulting in greater efficiency, lower costs and better employee engagement. It's help organizations to reduce employee carbon footprints by electronic filing, car sharing, job sharing, teleconferencing, and virtual interviews etc.

    Having green HR concept will be a marketing tool for the organization since green concept is a most discussing topic around the globe.

    Author has well explained the Green HRM, advantages & disadvantages as well.

  3. Green HRM has become popular worldwide concept. Well described and interesting article. Green HRM's function may become the operator of sustainability goals, which will aid in achieving your company goals.


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